Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs
Partners Craig Primis and Devin Anderson were recognized as runners-up for The American Lawyer Litigation Daily's "Litigator of the Week" contest for their work for Accenture LLP.
"First up are Matthew Hellman, Lindsay Harrison and their team at Jenner & Block who got a precedential ruling from the Fourth Circuit reversing a decision certifying damages classes against client Marriott International Inc. in the massive data breach MDL facing the hotel chain. The appellate court held that Senior U.S. District Judge Paul Grimm of Greenbelt, Maryland erred by granting class certification before considering whether the plaintiffs had signed valid and enforceable class-action waivers. “The time to address a contractual class waiver is before, not after, a class is certified,” Circuit Judge Pamela Harris wrote for the panel. The decision also reversed the lower court’s decision certifying an issue class against Accenture LLP, an IT service provider that managed the hacked database at issue in the case. Accenture is represented by a Kirkland & Ellis team led by partners Craig Primis and Devin Anderson, who argued the case before the Fourth Circuit alongside Jenner’s."