Kirkland Advises Forum Energy Technologies on $328 Million Exchange Offer
Kirkland advised Forum Energy Technologies Inc. on its issuance of $315 million of convertible senior secured notes in exchange of approximately $328 million of existing unsecured notes. Based in Houston, Forum is a global oilfield products company, focused on the subsea, drilling, completion, production and infrastructure sectors of the oil and natural gas industry.
The Kirkland team was led by transactional partners Julian Seiguer and Bryan Flannery, with associates Christopher Fox, Logan Weissler, Maggie Hoffman, Erin Eberle and Mike Bassi, and included debt finance partners Kimberly Perdue and Will Bos, and transactional partner Adam Larson. The exchange offer was Forum’s second liability management transaction led by Mr. Seiguer, Mr. Flannery and Kirkland this year.