Hong Kong

Related Professionals
Kirkland & Ellis
26th Floor, Gloucester Tower
The Landmark
15 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong
T +852 3761 3300


Der erste Standort von Kirkland in Asien, das Büro in Hong Kong wurde im Jahr 2006 eröffnet, um Mandanten in der Region das volle Beratungsspektrum zu bieten. Unser Team ist inzwischen auf 100 Anwälte gewachsen, die Beratung bei grenzüberschreitenden M&A-, Private-Equity-, Kapitalmarkt- und Finanztransaktionen sowie bei komplexen Restrukturierungen bieten und ihre Mandanten in Prozessen mit hohem Streitwert sowie bei behördlichen Untersuchungen und staatlichen Vollstreckungsmaßnahmen vertreten. Unsere Rechtsanwälte in Hong Kong sind mit dem lokalen Markt bestens vertraut und greifen regelmäßig auf die Erfahrung von Kollegen der internationalen Büros von Kirkland zurück.

About Kirkland & Ellis' Hong Kong Office

Our Hong Kong practice is operated as Kirkland & Ellis.

Kirkland & Ellis is a general partnership governed by the Delaware Uniform Partnership Act. Kirkland & Ellis is registered with and regulated by the Hong Kong Law Society. A list of the partners in Kirkland & Ellis is available on request.

Lawyers based in Hong Kong who are admitted as solicitors in Hong Kong are regulated by the Law Society of Hong Kong. Certain lawyers based in Hong Kong are not admitted in Hong Kong but are registered with and regulated by the Hong Kong Law Society as Registered Foreign Lawyers. They may also be regulated by the relevant regulatory body in their place of admission.

The Hong Kong Solicitors Guide to Professional Conduct published by the Law Society of Hong Kong sets out the rules and principles of professional conduct for practising solicitors and can be accessed by the following link:


We may from time to time use online information sources, including electronic verification, to meet our client due diligence obligations pursuant to Practice Direction P of the Law Society of Hong Kong.