
Vault Guide to the Top 100 Law Firms (2016) - 18th edition

The 2016 Vault Guide to the Top 100 Law Firms independently surveyed more than 17,000 associates from the most renowned law firms in the United States. In this survey, Kirkland ranked in the following areas:

Overall Prestige
#7 - Overall Prestige

Best Law Firm to Work For
#2 - Formal Training

Best Law Firms in Each U.S. Region
#1 - Chicago
#9 - Washington, D.C.
#10 - Southern California
#12 - Northern California
#12 - New York

Best in Practice
#1 - Bankruptcy
#1 - Private Equity
#4 - Intellectual Property
#4 - Products Liability
#6 - General Commercial Litigation
#6 - M&A
#7 - General Corporate Practice
#7 - Technology
#10 - Antitrust
#10 - Banking and Financial Services
#10 - Securities
#10 - Securities Litigation
#11 - Tax
#11 - White Collar Defense and Internal Investigations
#12 - Real Estate
#16 - Appellate Litigation