Kirkland Advises Lenders on Financial Recapitalization of Bartec Group
Kirkland & Ellis has advised an ad hoc group of lenders (including EQT’s Credit Opportunities) on the successful recapitalization of Bartec Group. The transaction included a change of ownership, investment of €80m of new equity and the significant reduction of financial debt.
Kirkland & Ellis advised the ad hoc group of lenders with the following team:
Munich: Leo Plank, Sacha Lürken (both Restructuring), Wolfgang Nardi (Finance); Associates: Marlene Ruf, Johannes Lappe (both Restructuring), Katharina Hohmann, Fabrice Hipp (both Finance)
London: Kon Asimacopoulos (Restructuring), Carl Bradshaw (Private Equity); Associates: Ian Clarke (Restructuring), Ben Hai, Nick Appleton, Joseph O’Brien (all Private Equity)