Kirkland Advises Tele Columbus on €475M Capital Increase
Kirkland & Ellis advised Tele Columbus AG on a capital increase in the amount of €475 million. The capital increase was registered with the commercial register of the Company on May 12, 2021. On May 14, 2021, the new shares were admitted to trading on the Frankfurt stock exchange.
Following a rights offering resolved on April 17, 2021, a total of 146,109,887 new shares were issued. The majority of the new shares was subscribed by Kublai GmbH, the majority shareholder of the Company. The gross proceeds will be used in particular to achieve a sustainable capital structure of the Company and to further implement its Fibre Champion strategy.
With the completion of the capital increase, Kublai GmbH now holds 94.6 % of the share capital and voting rights in Tele Columbus AG.
Tele Columbus AG is one of the leading fiber-optic network operators in Germany with a reach of more than three million households. The company, headquartered in Berlin and with branches in Leipzig, Unterföhring, Hamburg, Ratingen and Chemnitz, has been listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since January 2015.
The Kirkland team advising Tele Columbus was led by Anna Schwander and included Achim Herfs, Tim Volkheimer, Daniel Hiemer, and Tamara Zehentbauer.