Speaking Engagement

NAD Annual Conference 2011: What's New in Advertising Law, Claim Support and Self-Regulation

The National Advertising Division (NAD) of the Council of Better Business Bureaus will host its 2011 Annual Conference at The Ritz-Carlton New York, Battery Park from October 3 - 4. This year's program will explore legal trends and key issues in online behavioral advertising, claim substantiation, the use of surveys, social media, and mobile marketing, and include an update on advertising litigation and much more. The conference will provide attendees with practical information to enhance their ability to navigate the advertising industry's self-regulatory forum. Kirkland partner Ross Weisman will lead a panel discussion entitled "The Future of Advertising Self-Regulation: An Open Forum." The panel will address potential NAD procedural changes, explore issues relating to the NARB appeals and referrals, and open up the floor to questions and answers about the present state and future of the advertising industry's self-regulatory forum.

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